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Ringgold Class - Year 5

Class Teacher

Mrs Lavender-Mitchell

Welcome to Autumn Term 2024 in Ringgold Class

We have a lot of exciting new learning planned for the Autumn term. Here is a peep inside our curriculum.

This first half-term in English, we are going to be conducting a book study using Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly and illustrated by Laura Freeman in which children learn about the achievements and determination of four iconic women at key moments in American and world history. This provides the inspiring context for children to write for a range of purposes and for different formal and informal contexts. References will be made to the Young Readers' Edition of the text (which can be read in conjunction) as well as the 2016 movie directed by Theodore Melfi of the same name.

In the second half of the Autumn term, the class will study The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein. In this unit the children explore how a real-life story has been portrayed as fiction. They consider a diary entry found written by Philippe Petit just before he leaves to walk between the towers and write letters of advice to him, considering the pros and cons. After reading up to the point of the act, children write a recount in the first person as the main character. As witnesses and reporters, they create news updates for The New York Times or write content for an American news programme. They also role play making a speech as Philippe Petit in court, defending himself and his actions. Finally, the children gather everything they have learnt about Philippe Petit and write a biographical account of his life, researching where needed to fill in gaps about childhood and events prior to this.

Mathematics this first half-term will further secure and deepen the children’s understanding of Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.  In the second half-term the class will focus on Multiplication and Division and Fractions.

 In science, our focus is Living things and their habitats’. The children will look at how different living things are classified and explore life cycles of animals as well as plants. In the second half of the term, the children will explore Earth and Space. They will describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system, describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth and use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.

In Geography, the focus is on Enough for Everyone.  The children will explore settlements and the reasons why people settle. They will then deepen their understanding by looking at food and energy sources and consider the environmental impact of these.

History will find us delving into the life of the Ancient Greeks. We will be finding out about gods and goddesses, the Olympic Games as well as wars and food.

RE studies this term will ask the class to consider 2 key questions: Is believing in God reasonable and how has belief impacted in music and art through history?

Computing will see the children develop their knowledge of computing systems and networks and learn the skills and tools needed for multimedia production. The children will discover how information is found on the World Wide Web, through learning how search engines work (including how they select and rank results) and what influences searching, and through comparing different search engines.

The music term begins with the children developing their understanding of rhythm and rhythmic notation. They will get to grips with time signatures, learning to ‘feel’ the difference between three and four beats in a bar. They will explore folk traditions such as Morris dancing and Basque dance and have fun creating and performing their own dances. As the term moves on, they will learn how composers create interesting textures by combining layers of musical sound. They will identify the use of ostinato in pieces such as Bolero by Ravel and will use ostinato to accompany songs such as I Have A Song To Sing and Time For Everything, creating interesting polyrhythmic textures!

In Art the class will learn sketching skills as well as how to use different media to create different plants and flowers. They will then go on to learn about art through famous artists such as John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassatt.

In PSHE, the class will consider what their dreams and aspirations are. We will look at aiming high to achieve are ambitions and consider what growth mindset looks like. After half-term we will discuss our individual qualities and recognise our strengths.

In Spanish children will be learning about infinitive verbs. They will practise asking and answering questions, as well as learn about countries and nationalities.

Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday. The class will develop their Basketball and Athletics skills along with Gymnastics and Line Dancing


