Hepworth Class - Year 1 and Year 2
Welcome to Hepworth Class. Your child's teachers are Mrs Mason and Mrs Wilson.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.
Home learning goes on Google classroom on Thursday and is due in the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are on Thursday.
Book Bag reading books are changed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Spring Term 2025
We will be exploring the following fantastic texts: Beegu, Tadpole's Promise, The Odd Egg and If All The World Were. The children will be writing adventure stories, fact files and retelling stories. They will also be writing letters, instructions and non-chronological reports. In addition the children will continue their phonics learning in groups, practising sounds, reading texts and using their sounds to spell.
In maths, Year 2 will be continuing their learning of shape. They will also be learning about money, multiplication and division, length and height and mass capacity and temperature. Year 1 will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction, length and height and mass and volume. The Year 1 children will be having Ms Laver teaching them maths.
In history, our topic is kings and queens. The children will learn about what a monarch is, significant British monarchs, family trees and comparing Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth 1. They will take part in the role play of a Mediaeval Banquet.
In science, through exciting exploration, asking our own questions, making observations and doing lots of practical learning, we will be continuing our topic of Our Body for the first half term. We will learn about our organs and their functions and learn how we can look after our bodies. We will learn lots of new vocabulary and draw super diagrams.
In DT, we are going to be focussing on fruit and vegetables. We will be using our senses to explore fruits and vegetables before designing and making an end product.
Our PE focus will be gymnastics and tennis. In gymnastics, we will be looking at how to travel in different ways, balancing, rolls, jumps, linking movements and doing a final performance. In tennis, we will be learning sending and receiving skills before playing a simple game.
In music, the children will learn to recognise pulse and explore percussion instruments and perform simple accompaniments. The children will copy and create simple rhythm patterns and use simple graphic notations.
In computing, children will be creating pictograms. They will also be learning how to programme robots.
In PSHE, our focus is Diverse Britain and living in a wider world.
In RE, they will learn about the Jewish Shabbat and also Easter.